Daily Education and Technology News for Schools 03/01/2012

  • A lawyer / photographer shares about Pinterest's terms of service and the law.

    tags: Education news copyright

  • A new video that is making waves over on youtube about education as made by the "Ghetto film school." Worth a watch.

    tags: education creativity news

  • If you're a newbie photographer and want to learn, there are Google Hangouts for you. One area where Google+ is rocking is in the area of the "hangout." I think it will change how we do video once people really understand what we can do with it. (Stream to youtube, live stream to others.)

    tags: education news google

  • A community of writers and scientists are reviewing and discussing scientific ebooks at Download the Universe. eBooks aren't where they are going to be. I'm toying with the idea of producing my own ebook after this next project because I haven't really seen what I think is possible in an ebook but have already storyboarded my own private thoughts in this area. This is a fascinating once in history experience to be part of a major trend as books evolve from paper to ebook. I'm excited! Take a look.

    "e-readers have opened up a period of great innovation in how we convey and consume "books," but, as of yet, these new products have not met with the sorts of rigorous and routine reviews that new printed books receive. But a new project, Download the Universe, aims to change that. Led by a set of some of the top science writers in the country -- including Carl Zimmer, Steve Silberman, and Atlantic contributor David Dobbs -- the site aims to provide reviews of new straight-to-ebook science books."

    tags: ebook education news science science_teacher tablet_computing mobile_apps

  • Windows 8 redesign has been released. I'm excited about installing this in my touch screen lab, personally but there are sure to be some old time Windows users that will FREAK OUT.

    "While it is optimized for touchscreens, the new OS is also meant to run on the billions of laptops and desktops that have long been Microsoft’s bread and butter. The company has tried to make the system work in both places by giving Windows two completely different interfaces that you can use side by side. First, there’s the Windows you grew up with, called the Desktop in Windows 8. In the Desktop, Windows lives up to its name—all your programs run in windows that you can position anywhere on your screen. When you run any program designed for today’s Windows in the new OS, it will show up in the Desktop interface.

    tags: education news technology

  • You can download a KindleGen program from Amazon to generate your own Kindle books from HTML XHTML or ePub formats. You can also use Kindle previewer to see how the Kindle 8 format will work. THE KF8 replaces the mobi format and gives you the capability to add HTML5 and CSS3.

    tags: education news ebook

  • Sony and some "leading thinkers" are convening to look at future scapes. This is a good read, however, often these sorts of things carry the political overtones of those who comprise the thinking. Sometimes I feel like people are more interested in the truth as they know it than really getting to the truth. We need innovators to seek out "THE TRUTH" - the one truth about something if it exists instead of letting things get political. That said, I think this is a good read for those who care about looking at future trends. They call these "thought-starters" and I do like the idea of having thought starters with my students. I like the term.

    In the face of such rapid evolution, envisaging what might happen in the next 13 years requires practical foresight, as well as brilliant imagination – and this is exactly the task of the FutureScapes project.

    Convened by Sony and leading sustainability non-profit organisation Forum for the Future, FutureScapes is bringing together business leaders, thinkers, designers, futurologists, writers and the public to explore the potential of technology to create a better, more sustainable world, by imagining and discussing life in 2025

    tags: education news innovation

  • Hackers have knocked down Interpol's site this week in retaliation. Cybersecurity is a huge issue.

    "Tuesday afternoon, the international police organization Interpol announced the arrest of 25 alleged members of Anonymous by officials in Argentina, Chile, Colombia, and Spain. Shortly after the announcement, Interpol's website was hit by a distributed denial-of-service attack. At the time this story was posted, the website remained unavailable."

    Interpol announced that the arrests were made as part of "Operation Unmask", an international effort launched in mid-February to grab the perpetrators of attacks on websites in Columbia and Chile, including the Colombian Defense Ministry and presidential websites, a Chilean electricity company, and Chile's national library. Officials also seized 250 pieces of equipment, including computers and mobile phones, during a search of 40 locations in 15 cities.

    tags: education learning hacking technology news

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

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