Reaching Everyone with Learning

In the UK, Sky TV is launching an internet based television service. More television channels are going Internet based. They'd better - with youtube channels and other channels coming through the Net and our Roku boxes, I now watch BBC shows like the awesome Sherlock Holmes series and movies from other countries. Borders don't mean so much. I also watch Teckzilla and TwitTv on my iPad while I'm doing dishes intermixed with old Netflix greats like Charlie Chan and some Yul Brenner classics.

What I find fascinating is that we'll be talking about education in this way in the near future. We'll be mixing different profs and different courses like I mix up dinner.

"Sky describes the new over the top (OTT) service as being aimed at the 13 million UK households who don't currently subscribe to pay TV, with access available via "PC, laptop, tablet, smartphone, games console or connected TV." Initially, it will offer Sky Movies on demand joined by sports and entertainment options later, with access based on either monthly unlimited subscription or "pay-as-you-go" pricing.

That is where we want our learning: television, ipad, computer, home, work, smartphone, games console or connected tv. Those who realize this and adapt will survive but those who try to restrict learning to walls inside buildings inside ivory institutions may find that their organization just isn't relevant any more.

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