Daily Education and Technology News for Schools 01/15/2012

  • Todd, who spoke out on behalf of Liz has been sent a legal letter asking him to cease and desist as a result of this article. Again, it disturbs me how much such things seem to be taking away from the core cause of supporting autism. Honestly, I don't really understand all of the websites and alliances behind the many blogs and websites that say they are in support of autism. I do know enough to tell you this...really look into any autism-advocacy blog or site as many of them have hidden agendas. As educators, it is our job to advocate and speak on behalf of those who cannot speak for themselves. One of the most challenging events my students do is our work with our local Service Center and I do know that I will keep reading and learning so I can help my students be sensitive and encouraging to those with autism.

    tags: Education news

  • It is unfortunate that controversy is surrounding autism and yet it is something misunderstood by many. Here is an article on Liz Ditz's blog going back to an issue that arose in December when she quoted a person's Facebook who then denied the posting and accused Liz of hacking the account and writing the comments herself. I am not on the inside of this but am watching as the outcome has implications for my own thoughts of digital citizenship. I am just saddened any time a person is taken of a mission to help others because of flame wars and it doesn't look like this one is going to stop soon. All I know is I have been reading Liz's blog for quite some time and although I don't know her personally, I find the charges leveled against her doubtful from what I do know.

    tags: Autism controversy news digital_citizenship

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

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