Breast implant scandal: comestic surgery firms face court action

Andrew Lansley says he will pursue non-public clinics who refuse to remove impants 'aggressively through the courts'

Andrew Lansley, the health secretary, intends to pursue through the courts the cosmetic trade firms that are refusing free operations to girls wanting substandard breast implants removed.

Lansley is prepared for a full-scale confrontation with the recalcitrant elements of the trade once the declaration of the Harley Medical cluster that it will not get hold of removal of the PIP implants that have triggered great anxiety in girls in the UK and in France. transform additionally the} Hospital cluster have also said that women will need to pay.

The health secretary is inviting girls refused free help to go to their GP, who will refer them to an NHS hospital for removal – though not replacement – if that's what they require. but Lansley says the taxpayer should not be expected to foot the bill and also the government will actively get to recover the price from the non-public chains.

"We will pursue them extraordinarily aggressively through the courts," a source near Lansley said. "We will track them."

Lansley believes the clinics are turning their backs on their patients.

"For them to abdicate responsibility we expect is immoral," said the source.

On Friday Lansley said the NHS would remove and replace implants for free, where girls needed it, if their operation had originally been on the NHS. this may normally are breast reconstruction once cancer surgery. the massive suppliers of private healthcare who also perform some cosmetic surgery, including Nuffield Health, BMI and Spire, have all said they'll follow suit.

Lansley is currently urging Harley to rethink. "Eight non-public firms are providing to switch implants for their patients – Harley Medical cluster ought to follow suit," he said. "Today the professional bodies for cosmetic surgery have sent out a letter to all surgeons calling on them not to charge for their time once they remove these implants. that should considerably reduce the prices for all firms and i would urge Harley to rethink its decision in lightweight of this. All suppliers have a requirement of care to their patients. it is unacceptable for wrangling over liabilities to get in the approach of this. These suppliers ought to provide help to girls who would like it and deal with liabilities later."

The Harley Medical cluster was by far the biggest buyer of the cut-price and, as it turned out, substandard implants from Poly Implants Prosthese in France, that used silicone gel filler of commercial grade supposed for mattresses. Its surgeons operated on 13,900 girls between 2001 and 2010, while transform did around 4,000 implants. transform says it will charge £2,800 for removal. a third chain, the Hospital cluster, says it will solely replace those that have ruptured.

Lansley's provide to girls is intended to finish the anxiety of the forty,000 or additional who have received PIP implants. An professional cluster, chaired by the NHS medical director, Sir Bruce Keogh, said on Friday that it might realize no proof that the implants were dangerous or additional likely to rupture - but the clinics had not kept ok knowledge on the operations to be sure.

The non-public chains say they'll withdraw of business if they have to get hold of all the operations and blame authorities such as the Medicines and Healthcare product Regulatory Agency for permitting the implants into the country.

The lines are currently drawn for a significant confrontation between the govt. and also the non-public cosmetic clinics.Lansley told the Commons that Keogh's cluster would currently investigate safety and regulation in the trade as a full, including different kinds of cosmetic surgery and also the use of dermal fillers. His review will look at whether the product are properly regulated, whether the people that do procedures have the mandatory skills and whether the clinics themselves are fit for purpose. there will also be a swift immediate review of standards in the non-public clinics by the Care Quality Commission.

The European Union is reviewing the EU Medical Devices Directive to see whether tightening of the principles would stop another PIP scandal. Lansley said there will also be an investigation into what happened to allow the implants into the uk.

The Harley Medical Group's chairman, Mel Braham, told the BBC the firm didn't have the resources, the surgeons, or the operating facilities needed to try and do the surgery. He said the govt. had an ethical responsibility to switch the PIP implants, owing to what he called the failure of regulation by the MHRA.

"We're solely sitting here these days because the Medicines and Healthcare product Regulatory Agency (MHRA), their own regulatory authority, has approved these implants and obviously hasn't done their proper checking.

"We're an innocent victim like everybody else, we're making an attempt to try and do our best for our patients ... we won't take on this whole issue on our own, especially when it wasn't our fault."
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