Multi-currency counterfeit note detector and counter that lets you accurately count and detect 1000 currency bills per minute. Are you tired of having to always lift a bill and try to see if it’s fake or not? How about when someone pays a huge sum in cash and you have to count by hand which takes a while? Never again be fooled with counterfeit bills or waste valuable time counting and adding up manually. This is your best and safest solution in making sure counterfeiters do not try and pass forged notes through your business!
The CVGV-G28 comes with professional detection features like UV and metal thread detection that make sure any counterfeit bills that pass through the machine are detected. It comes with dual displays meaning that both your customer and you will be able to see the numbers at the same time. Furthermore, it counts and detects Euro (€), US and Australian Dollars ($) and British Pound (£) currency notes, so whether your business is in the UK, USA, Australia, or the EU, you've got nothing to worry about from now on.
This new hot item is a must have for any small, medium or large business, and will make your accountants very happy. It is in stock and available now for single piece or bulk stock orders. Order today, and we will ship to you within one day! Brought to you directly from the leader in direct from China wholesale electronics, Chinavasion. [Buy here]
The CVGV-G28 comes with professional detection features like UV and metal thread detection that make sure any counterfeit bills that pass through the machine are detected. It comes with dual displays meaning that both your customer and you will be able to see the numbers at the same time. Furthermore, it counts and detects Euro (€), US and Australian Dollars ($) and British Pound (£) currency notes, so whether your business is in the UK, USA, Australia, or the EU, you've got nothing to worry about from now on.
This new hot item is a must have for any small, medium or large business, and will make your accountants very happy. It is in stock and available now for single piece or bulk stock orders. Order today, and we will ship to you within one day! Brought to you directly from the leader in direct from China wholesale electronics, Chinavasion. [Buy here]