Finally Molly Meldrum Opens His Eyes

Molly Meldrum has opened his eyes for the primary time in hospital once sustaining serious injuries during a fall last week.

His brother Brian said the family was still cautiously optimistic however that the event was a promising step towards Molly's full recovery.

"Yesterday we tend to might see a little of flickering round the eyelids however throughout the night he opened his eyes," he said.

Brian said his brother had additionally responded when a nurse asked him to open his eyes, that was a good sign.

"We don't need to urge too excited as a result of it's about to be a really slow method however it's fantastic," Brian said.

65 year previous Molly Meldrum suffered a fractured skull and broken ribs once falling from a ladder at his Richmond home and landing on the sting of his spa.

Brian said the most recent CAT scan had showed pressure in Molly's brain had begun to ease.

"It's excellent news for everybody. We're terribly attentive to the actual fact that such a large amount of folks need to grasp this stuff," he said.

Meanwhile, friends and fans of Molly Meldum are invited to indicate their support for the much-loved music identity by sending an SMS to the large screen at the long-lasting Federation sq. in Melbourne.

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