Jon bon jovi still alive

Jon Bon Jovi dead? No. Jon Bon Jovi is not dead. but that small tidbit of truth doesn't seem to matter. The false rumors concerning Bon Jovi's untimely demise gripped the country on Tuesday well, that and therefore the Kardashian Christmas card thus you would possibly further brush up on the main points.

Bon Jovi is the latest celebrity victim of a web death hoax. It all started with a web site called Daily News Blog International, which posted a story Monday claiming that the New Jersey rocker was dead. From there, the rumor unfold like wildfire, pinging round the blogosphere and each social media network known to mankind.

Despite repeated makes an attempt by Bon Jovi himself to put the rumors to rest, "Jon Bon Jovi dead" continued to be on hearth among Google searches on Tuesday morning.

Perhaps the $64000 news during this non-news story is that Bon Jovi may need a second career as a comedian if he decides to allow up his day job.

Bon Jovi poked repeated fun at the rumor at a concert Monday night in New Jersey, pertaining to it several times and pretending to take frantic phone calls from friends who'd heard the news, the Star-Ledger reported.

Bon Jovi additionally responded to the rumor on Twitter and Facebook. On his Facbook page, he posted an image of himself in front of a Christmas tree, holding a hand-crafted sign that read: "Heaven appearance lots like New Jersey" and included Monday's date and therefore the time. (Brace yourselves for consecutive rumor concerning how the sign was Photoshopped and that Bon Jovi really is dead, and it's all a conspiracy.)

Adding to the intrigue: It appeared that the pretend report that Bon Jovi had died was copied partly from a 2009 la Times story that announced the death of Michael Jackson. the days noted on Monday that it had been wanting into the matter but emphasised that the newspaper wasn't concerned in the false report.

Death hoaxes and bum rumors are nothing new. (Remember Mark Twain's quip concerning reports of his death being greatly exaggerated?) but new technology means that these rumors ping round the globe, lightning-quick, due to internet users' desire to both apprehend everything and share everything instantly.

Bon Jovi is in good company. other celebrity death hoax victims embody will Smith, Lady Gaga, Eddie Murphy, Justin Bieber, Jackie Chan, Johnny Depp and Mick Jagger.

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