Daily Education and Technology News for Schools 12/22/2011

  • This survey is designed to educate and activate you. With the size of my house and the fact I have a lot of electronics 83 slaves"work" for me with the primary impact in Asia. This is not about guilt but facts about our world today. What can I do? We shoud advocate that businesses look ino their supply chain to determine f the good are made by people who are free or if they are, in fact, slaves. Create awareness. Let businesses know there is surging interest in abolishing slavery.

    Don't complain about slavery in America over 100 years a go when ou are willing to do nothing now. Provocative test.

    tags: Education abolition

  • This is a video I made in just 2 minutes on my iPad. I didn't have to go to educreations' website first but did everything on my iPad. I cannot watch the web version, however as it is flash based. You can create public or private classes and easily share the videos. Very cool implementation of simple screencasting. This would be great for ll schools with 1:1 iPads. Need to get if you can view class content from their app without going to web. Very easy. Wow.

    tags: Education iPad productivity

  • Move over Khan Academy. Educreations is here with a super simple web or iPad app that lets you record lessons to share with your students, wherever they are. If they enable one thing like common core tagging (tag it with the standard) and enough contribute we will have an incredibly powerful tool.

    tags: digital_communication teaching education

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

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