Daily Education and Technology News for Schools 12/21/2011

  • Another cool tool from Larry Ferlazzo that lets you make tours.

    tags: education web2

  • I will definitely use this with my classes this year. This website guides you through making step by step tutorials.

    tags: education web2 apps

  • Recommended by some facebook friends that she and her church are supporting this organization. As always, do your research but do something.

    tags: education abolition

  • This website has a ton of downloads and materials you can use. Recommended to me by Jackie Gerstein, I'm going to be sharing this.

    tags: education abolition

  • This website has information for teachers, policy makers, etc. and is one that Jackie Gerstein, my friend on Facebook, let me know that she supports. I'm looking at their resources and what they are doing.

    tags: education learning abolition

  • While perusing Larry's back posts, I came across very cool website that lets you animate with stick figures. Definitely one I'm taking back to my students over break.

    tags: education fun website tool animation

  • This excellent edtech blogger has great posts and is in my "vip" column on Twitter. Plus, he's an incredibly nice guy. Take time to peruse his top posts. I'll be sharing mine soon.His top one is tools to help you integrate blooms taxonomy into your classroom. Very nice.

    tags: education edublogging learning

  • This is a lesson plan that you can use as a starting point if you choose to involve your classrooms in the movement to end slavery in the world.Could you imagine if we could leave a legacy of this one thing. Our job is to speak for the helpless and to encourage empathy and understanding for others in this generation of children. It isn't all about what you can get, but about what you can give.This booklet is out of the UK."The antislavery movement was the first major campaign in Britain to involve ordinary citizens across all classes (as well as the slaves themselves) in the struggle to end the practice. As such it is a good example of how change can come about when people work together for a just cause. This booklet More…intends inspire and equip young people to take a stand against the continuation of slavery and injustice in the world today."

    tags: education abolition lessonplans sschat history_teacher

  • This student is asking everyone to collect change to help the fight against modern slavery. Why not do this for Christmas in your house. Here is the website with the information about what to do.

    tags: education learning slavery abolition

  • (Hat tip to Larry Ferlazzo for this gem) - put your pictures and house into the video and have a customized video created where Santa visits your house. Talk about a great way to excite the kids! So cool.

    tags: education christmas parenting

  • This boys website to further a cause he believes in. This is a worthy way to spend your life. What are you doing to make a difference in the world?

    tags: education globaled globalization slavery abolition

  • "I"m a modern day abolitionist.""It just isn't enough to have emotion."This video is a phenomenal portrayal of a boy who has taken up a cause. Loose change to loose chains is his nonprofit. Consider sharing this video with your students.Do you realize that modern day slavery exists? Come on. This is ridiculous.This holiday season, I'm asking that you give a tweet, a facebook status update a day to the cause to #endslavery. What can all the teachers do if we bring awareness to this important issue. The slaves aren't on twitter or social media -they can't speak for themselves. Speak out. Watch this video.

    tags: education slavery abolition nonprofit

  • As you think about next year, it is great to plan deep projects with historical meaning. As I was looking up things that happened 100 years a go in 1912, one jumped out at me. The Titanic Sunk on April 11, 1912. There are a ton of resources already available on this topic but it would make for an interesting project of some sort as the fascination with the event doesn't seem to have waned much.

    tags: education history titanic history_teacher

  • Although this was designed for summer, the list has a lot of ideas that parents can do with children over the break. While I do leave time for my kids to have a break, I do try to find things that will encourage their love of learning that I sneak in there kind of like sneaking vegetables into things without them knowing. Have a great break! Teachers might want to download and share with parents headed on break.

    For our friends down under in Australia and the southern hemisphere who are on summer break, this is something you'll want to share.

    tags: education holiday learning parenting

  • I share on this site but it is a great place to find resources. It is the largest network of English speaking teachers in the world and they are launching in the US this year. When I saw this, I thought some of you on break might like to share.I like the site because the resources are free and it is curated.

    tags: education lessonplans freeresources

  • A ton of resources for the IBoard for these last few days before Christmas. Bookmark them and have them ready to go for next year. Meanwhile, parents at home with kids may find something for a child to play that reinforces a topic that kids are having trouble with at school. We always do math facts over break with my youngest.

    tags: education learning iwb games gamebasedlearning freeapp freeresources

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

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