Harold Reingold's students post their mind maps developed for his social media class. This is going crazy over on Facebook with all the responses from many social media leaders I respect. Take a look at these and consider the impact of mind maps versus long essays.
Garfield students walk out to protest education cuts | Seattle Times Newspaper
Students in Seattle walk out of school to protest cuts.
New York’s Literary Cubs - NYTimes.com
Students majoring in literary degrees cannot even get unpaid internships in New York's competitive publishing market. I wonder why they aren't blogging. there are things you can do to get attention in the publishing world. (Hey I'll give someone a job as an unpaid editor here. Goodness knows my run on sentences, comma splices and occasional spelling errors need it! I'll list your name and maybe that will help you get a job - who knows. I think the publishing industry is fundamentally changing.)
Pictures of waterfalls — The most amazing in the world | MNN - Mother Nature Network
If you love photography, this set is worth a scroll. The 14 most beautiful waterfalls in the world. Including a redwaterfall at the pole.
A website recognized by the Australian Education association and american Library association. As you look for activities to improve thinking - this website has puzzles, and activities that are bound to have you thinking and talking. There's also a kids corner. If you like game based learning, there are some great tools here. "A gym dedicated to the wellness of the mind."
2011 PRECONFERENCE KEYNOTEThe Sandbox Manifesto | K12 Online Conference
Angela Maiers' preconference keynote: The Sandbox Manifesto
Tradigital History: Bringing the Past Alive | K12 Online Conference
Dr. James Beeghley (Jim as most of us know him) has a presentation on Wednesday at K12 online about how history and social studies should be taught using technology. He talks about early photography and a lot of other very cool thoughts that will certainly challenge the thinking and teaching of history teachers.
Computer Based Math | K12 Online Conference
Computer based math by David Wees from the K12 online conference. If you're missing the K12 online conference, you're missing something big. Here, David looks at the consequences of what would happen if Conrad Wolfram's vision of letting computers do math computations in order to free humans up to do other aspects of mathematical problem solving. Something math teachers will want to consider on this controversial topic.
ePortfolio Workshop - Acrobat X Pro - Atomic Learning
Free atomic learning on creating eportfolios with Adobe Acrobat X from Atomic Learning.
PDF ePortfolios, assessment, and administrative productivity . Pages . Adobe Education Exchange
One of the things I have as my "big three" this year is the concept of a paperless portfolio using adobe acrobat pro. I'm a member of Adobe ed exchange and am using it to find all kinds of great resources. This page has links to best practices for eportfolios, digital assessment, as well as streamlining admin tasks. Useful resources. The cool thing is you can annotate with video, audio, an text and pdfs move very well onto ipads and devices like that.
I have to admit that I've become a huge Acrobat Pro fan. We use it in my classroom to print, annotate, and do all kinds of things. I look forward to learning about how to use this program to convert everything into year end portfolio dvds with movies, text, etc.
AdobeTV | Premiere Elements 10
Adobe premier elements tutorial videos. I find the one on converting photos into entertaining movies to be interesting.
AdobeTV | Photoshop Elements 10
One of the challenges for some teachers may be if you as the teacher use photoshop and the studetns are using elements. These videos about Photoshop Elements 10 may be helpful.
AdobeTV | Adobe Digital School Collection
Today is the debut of the Adobe digital school collection. Adobe TV has a ton of videos and resources to help you teach the adobe programs. I am teaching photoshop this week. These are some great resources if you do anything with adobe.
Success Starts at Home – Part 2 « The Balancing Act – Show Blog
The second part in the series for lifetime. It will be on my blog next week but if you read part one yesterday, here is part two!
Download your free 12 Games of Christmas Teaching Pack - TES Topics
Here's the content of the 12 games of Christmas teaching pack.
NOTE: IF you download, you will probably have to manually enter your school's information, especially if you are from outside the UK as many of us are just coming into the TES platform now. -
12 Games of Christmas Teaching Pack Topic Details - TES Topics
You can get the 12 games of Christmas teaching pack for free for a single user or your whole school. Download it now and keep it to use it every year. The sample teaching pack gives you ideas for how to use the 12 games of Christmas. IF you use the games, you'll want to get this for the lesson plans.
I'm speaking Monday at 4 pm as part of Blackboard Collaborate's distinguished lecture series. It is a free webinar and this is the link to go to to register. This is what and how I teach my students online and prepare them to present online. Every student is required to present online twice a year in my computer science class and once a year in my 9th grade computer fundamentals. IT is just as important as face to face presenting and in some ways could be more important as it could potentially have more reach for my students.
12 Games of Christmas Free Teaching Pack - TES Topics
These amazing 12 free games would be great for interactive whiteboard or laptop. I've played a few of the. I love #3 which lets you teach coordinates. You can choose one quadrant (x,y - positive numbers only), 2 quadrants (xy - positive and negatives) or 4 (xyz positive and negatives) - great game for reinforcement.
All of the games are math / numeracy games so spread this like crazy for your math classes. TES is a great site out of the UK for free stuff and is the largest network of English speaking teachers in the world. -
Secondary: Design and technology: KS3 Graphics: Photoshop teaching resources - TES
Adobe has their new Digital School Collection which really makes some very powerful tools affordable to schools. (Goes live December 1st) - here are some great tutorials and presentations on the TES website about photoshop and graphic design. Sometimes for these tough programs it helps to use things that other teachers have already used.