OnSpot Digital camera for fun and snapshot photography

OnSpot is a digital camera, designed specifically for fun and snapshot photography by Tatjana Rolle. By various ways of fixation the minimalistic functions and the integration of all parts into a straight and formable strip of leather, this camera allows for a huge amount of spontaneity. Therefore it can adapt to any situation and allows new perspectives. This camera takes pictures that are as spontaneous as its owners are.

Formally this camera deviates completely from a conventional digital camera. The base is a smooth and flexible strip of leather, which is only split up to hold the camera body. The lens is placed on the front side protected by a distinctive ring of aluminium. On the back side one can find the display enclosed by a fine frame also made from aluminium. The logo shaped microphone is placed exactly on the angular point of the camera body. In contrast you can find the releaser and the USB-port at the other end of the strip.

The pictures are supposed to be taken out of action and on the spur of the moment. The camera should be carried everywhere, but not as usual in front of the eyes. Therefore a viewfinder is not necessary. There is no display to assess the photos one has taken. The flexible strip invites the user automatically to test and discover the camera. The user recognizes intuitively what it is about. The camera will be flexed in various positions, many possibilities to mount it and also new perspectives will be tested.

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