Windball Eco Friendly Cooler by Jaesik Yun

Windball eco friendly cooler by designer Jaesik Yun which takes advantage of the evaporation process to lower the temperature in a room. An electric fan has simple mechanism to chill the room by creating the wind from its rotating propeller, yet it actually creates more heat in the room. An air conditioner (AC) uses adiabatic expansion of the thermodynamics to lower the temperature, very effective, however it needs to use a large amount of electricity compared to a fan. Windball has been designed to provide the same function as AC but with lower electricity usage.

Based on the evaporation theory where a liquid that evaporates actually snatches a certain amount of heat from its surrounding, this industrial designer came up with Windball eco friendly cooler concept. There are other similar products in the market, however they only have low cooling down effect. Windball provides better and bigger cooling effect with the same amount of energy. This device utilizessolar power to charge its batteries, thus reducing the need of using electricity.

[via: Tuvie]

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