One thing I really enjoy about the Personal Kanban planning method (as described in Personal Kanban: Mapping Work | Navigating Life
I have to admit that I've always been a snob against post it notes. They fall down and you don't have a record of what you've done. They just seemed inefficient, but not any more.
Personal Kanban is about organizing visually. Taken from a Japanese term relating to Kaizen (the process of ongoing improvement), you can only put the amount of items on deck that you can fit there. The size of the post it note literally. I rebelled against the idea but just decided to try it once. That was three weeks a go. I'm finding that if I pull my work out of my planner and can easily organize and reorganize it that it just keeps me focused. it is so easy to forget about important things when they are in my planner.
Perhaps I'll write more about the method but for now, just buy the book - they did a great job explaining the process.
Limit your Work in Process
The MOST helpful thing I've found is that this system limits your work in process. I am a horrible multitasker and am such a busy person that if someone gives me something to do - it runs in one ear and out the other.
You have a limited capacity to do work. You can't do EVERYTHING. You have to prioritize and make choices. You HAVE TO.
There is nothing noble about telling a lie. Can you live with yourself if you tell another person, "sure, I'll do that for you" knowing full well that you are overworked, overburdened, and over the top with your workload. You have to make choices!
Limit your work in process. Focus on one thing and then move to the next. I love the WIP because when the bell rings I have to stop and teach. I teach every day from 8:15 - 11 and from 12:15-2:15 with just a small break during those periods. I'm not at my computer, I'm running around helping students and teaching. But by having the sticky on my WIP, I remember what I'm working on and the moment I'm done I go back to it.
I have found that I've pushed myself way over the top. (No surprise there!) I expect too much.
Overlisting will cause your ship to list!
I have a small space for my WIP in each of my boards because I can't do it all at once. My problem with lists has always been that I'm an over-lister. When I over list my ship lists and threatens to sink!
Take a look at how you organize
You can really use just about any system for organizing. The questions to ask yourself are:
- Do you prioritize.
- Do you focus?
- Do you get things accomplished?
- Do you know what you accomplished?
- Do you review what you did so you can improve it in the future?
If not, or if you're not happy with your organization system yet, Personal Kanban is worth a read even if the sticky notes are repugnant to you. You can learn some valuable lessons from this very well written book.
Related Topics:
- Personal Kanban: Mapping Work | Navigating Life
(the book)
- Personal Kanban Blog (authors of the book)
- With Personal KanBan You Can! (Cool Cat Teacher - Sept 30, 2011)