Health Insurance Exchange Roundup: October 17

Healthcare Exchanges are the hot topic in today’s healthcare landscape as well as national news. With states mandated to have a plan in place by January 1, 2013, and a functioning system by January 1, 2014, the majority are trying to figure how they will implement this system. Check here every afternoon for the latest opinions and news on the health exchange.

Here's today's news:
Montgomery Adviser: Market for health insurance in Alabama the least competitive in U.S.
Associated Press: West Virginia still pursuing health insurance exchange
NPR: A Tale Of Two Health Plans: Romney Versus Obama
Washington Post: Some states seek flexibility to push health-care overhaul further

The Health Insurance Exchange Congress is the only place for states and health plans to come together as one and discuss the current challenges and opportunities associated with health insurance Exchanges. For more information about joining us, visit our webpage.

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