Daily Education and Technology News for Schools 10/15/2011

  • I love my pod catcher app iCatcher. I use it to grab audio on my iPhone and video on my iPad. I listen to the podcasts in the car and watch the videos while washing dishes, laundry and cooking dinner. This list is worth voting on if you are a listener or to find podcasts and vodcasts if you are reventuring into this area. I only wish Wes Fryer was on here- he's great.

    tags: Education podcast

  • Expert advisors are becoming a growing part of our projects. More savvy professors are taking in preservice teachers in a symbiotic mutually beneficial learning relationship with our students. They are learning about live collaboration and our students are receiving valuable feedback. The EA's are learning what makes a collaborative wiki and about the challenges and learning how to teach in a "flattened platform" and we are able to provide more feedback to students - an important factor, we've found, for improving student contributions.

    tags: education learning flatclassroom expertadvisors

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

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