Eracism 2012 - Application from Schools and Interested Educators
Debate is something that many schools have removed from their curriculum. This is a simple way to pull in debate to compete with other schools around the world asychronously using voicethread. It is free and open to middle school classrooms around the world. Here is the application form.
asbunplugged2012 - Virtual Participants
There is a great opportunity to be a virtual participant for our Flat Classroom workshop at ASB Unplugged. Virtual participants will skype in (if possible) but if not, will participate asychronously by leaving thoughts on the wiki and interacting with participants on the Ning. This is a great way to "meet" students from other countries and participate as a full participant in the workshop while not leaving your school or home. Some teachers sign up their classes as participants. Applications due Friday, February 17, 2012