Daily Education and Technology News for Schools 01/14/2012

  • Looks like Mayor Bloomberg needs to watch the Dan Pink ted talk I shared here a couple of days a go. The higher the stakes and the more complex the problem, the worse effect a large monetary incentive has. Be ready for New York cheating scandals. That is a lot of pressure and will also incent teachers to find students that will do better. It also will put the method that they will use to rate people "highly effective" in the spotlight. This is sure to cause some resentment in the ranks. The easy solution is to throw money at it, but they don't realize that it is also the wrong solution if you look at the research on motivation.

    tags: education edreform edu_news

  • A great post as a litmus test for librarians by one of my favorite experts on the subject, Doug Johnson. Print this out and pass this around at your library as a conversation starter. 

    tags: education news library

  • In addition to the transition to e-paper, one of the pivotal educational transformations of this age will be that of the library. Librarians who want to remain relevant will engage in the discussions and debates on this important topic. Here is a great article from Europe that you'll want to read.

    "We do need to promote modern, relevant services in our current libraries, says Rob Bruijnzeels, founder and rector of the Dutch LibrarySchool. For the long term, however, Bruijnzeels believes that libraries need more than modernizing: They need rethinking, and they need librarians who think differently."

    tags: education news library

  • Lots of people are very upset over the recent tweaking of Google algorithms to sponsor Google+ results over the rest of the web. Many are upset that this has happened and it has just become harder to find things. As much as Google wants to promote plus, if they lose sight of the main thing: being insanely helpful at finding things, they will lose people in droves. If I want to go to the second or third search page to find something, I'll swap to something else. Google, this wasn't a plus.

    tags: education news google

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

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