Check 1-2: The Smart Guest Check

PushStart, a product design company, has envisioned a purpose-built, all-in-one solution to make checkout process simple and secure. They have designed Check 1-2 is a digital guest check that is fully integrated with Wi-Fi, touchscreen display, card-swipe, and stylus. When not in use, this device can be put on a docking station which is hardwired to an existing POS system. The design of Check 1-2 is based on the familiar form factor of the ubiquitous guest check fold, this device would offer an efficient and innovative checkoutprocedures. Simply drop Check 1-2 off at a table and the intuitive user interface will guide customers through the payment process.
The system of this device would allow users to easily split the bill, pay for specific items, or charge the entire bill with a single swipe. Painless. Customers could also refer to the itemized bill to confirm accuracy, in fact, after payment, customer can also request an email receipt which could include a coupon or alternative return incentive. The extra feature of this system is the possibility of the customer to opt for non card-based payment methods like PayPal. Additionally, any reward programs could be easily tied to an email address entered at checkout. Although the screen has been designed primarily for touch input, a stylus is included to help making check signing a familiar experience. This will be a good news for most of the high tech restaurants..

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